FALL 2009
1. Please pre-register early.
2. Pay in full when registering (including materials fees). We accept checks, cash, Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
3. Payment can be made by mail, in person or by phone or FAX.
4. Provide your name, address, phone number, and title of class when registering.
5. A 48-hour cancellation notice is required to receive a refund.
6. A $5.00 non-refundable fee will be retained on all cancellations.
7. Confirmation will be by phone.
8. Class may be canceled if a minimum number of students is not met.
Send registration to:
Morningsun Herb Farm
Attn: Class Registration
6137 Pleasants Valley Road
Vacaville CA, 95688
Phone (707) 451-9406
FAX (707) 451-1190
Broommaking with Brita Wynn
Learn to make a magikal witches broom for Halloween from wild herbs and plants. A variety of woods will be provided for a handle and beads, leather, feathers, paint, etc will be provided as well. Class includes instruction on how to engrave your broom with a dremmel tool. If you have something special to attach, please bring it to class.
$25.00 + $10.00 materials fee. Saturday, October 10, 1:00 - 3:00pm.
Cinnamon, Spice, and Everything Nice with Brita Wynn
Learn to make all sorts of wonderful things from the warm spices of winter. Learn to mull wine, make spicy potpourri, cinnamon stick tree decorations, wreaths, and candles. Learn to make clove and citrus balls for scenting your home and more. Lots of recipes for making your holiday season all that is nice.
$35.00 + $10.00 materials fee. Sunday, October 11, 11:00am - 2:00pm.
Holiday Herbal Gift Intensive with Brita Wynn
In these times, the holidays can be very taxing both energetically and financially. So why not come and have a lovely day working with wonderful relaxing herbs, making gifts for friends and family. This class will include instructions and practical experience on creating aromatherapy bee's wax candles, Herbal body care items that make wonderful easy to make gifts, herbal glycerine soap, Sachets and natural herbal potpouri, even Vinigars and cooking herb mixes, and much much more. Handouts include recipes, how to, and ideas for putting things together into fabulous gift baskets. Specialty gift baskets are very expensive and much loved gifts!, After this class, you will have the skills to make them for a fraction of what you'd pay if you purchased them. Everyone also goes home with some of everything we make so bring any small containers you have, a bag to carry your herbal treasures home in, and a towel and wash cloth because you also get to try EVERYTHING. Come join us for this fun and relaxing holiday class.
$40.00 + $15.00 materials fee. Saturday, November 7, 12:00 noon - 5:00pm.
Herbal Medicine Making Weekend - Focus On Winter Health with Brita Wynn
This set of courses will instruct you in easy to create herbal remedies for lots of Winter health issues such and colds, coughs, pain, skin issues, etc. You will learn basic medicine making skills like how to make medicinal teas like the ones you buy for a fraction of the cost and even better quality. You will also learn how to make tinctures, liniments, salves, etc. Each class builds on the next so that when you finish the series you will not only have lots of great recipes and instructions but the practical experience to make many of the natural remedies you love yourself for less than half the cost!
Herbal Formulation and Medicinal Herbal Tea Making - Saturday, November 21, 10:00am - 12:30pm
Extracting Herbs, Tinctures, Liniments, and Elixirs - Saturday, November 21, 2:00pm - 4:30 pm
Making your own Salves, Balms, Creams, and infused Oils - Sunday, November 22, 11:00am -1:30pm
Classes may be taken separately or together as you wish. Overnight camping is available if you would like to stay over. Let us know and we'll send information. Each class is $35.00 + $10.00 materials fee. All three paid in advance is only $90.00 + $20.00 materials fee; a savings of $25.00 for all three classes!
Gaia Conscious Herbalist Apprenticeship Program 2010
Morningsun co-owner Rose Loveall-Sale and herbalist Brita Era are excited to announce they will once again be teaching their 9 month Gaia Conscious Herbalist Apprenticeship Program, beginning in February 2010. This course will be taught one weekend a month, in the beautiful garden setting at Morningsun. This is an opportunity to learn and deepen your knowledge of the ancient arts and sciences of herbalism and horticulture. Students will learn about the different body systems and the herbs used for each, as well as learn magical and shamanic herbal practices. In this course students will be able to follow the natural rhythms of the garden, learning how to propagate, grow, harvest and nurture their gardens.
Brita is an experienced herbalist with 25 years training and practice, teaching herbalism in the United States and the United Kingdom. Rose Loveall has owned Morningsun for 14 years and has taught numerous courses in growing and using herbs.
For more information or a class flyer, email Rose at roseloveall@morningsunherbfarm.com or call the farm at 707-451-9406, or contact Brita at cronewytch@yahoo.com.
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