Positions held:
Editor-In-Chief, Trestle Board (newsletter -- Oak Plains Masonic Lodge #789 -- since 2012)
Pale Blue Dot Redux (365 Tomorrows)
The Heart's Howl (Para Animalia)
Positions held:
Editor-In-Chief, Trestle Board (newsletter -- Oak Plains Masonic Lodge #789 -- since 2012)
Books / Anthologies Edited:
Spirit Builders by Tau Palamas (Transmutation Publishing)
Deep Space Dogfights (Rogue Planet Press)
Sex Droids And Their Cyborg Toys (Rogue Planet Press)
Whispers Of The World That Was (ISBN: 978-1-907737-66-4) Book, Immanion Press
That Primal Fire (Babes and Beasts Anthology)
Autumn Eyes (Eskimo PI)
The Brass Man (Clockwork Magazine)
The Death Card (More Tales From The Blue Gonk Anthology)
Pohaku Rising (More Tales From The Blue Gonk Anthology)
Mightier Than The Sword (More Tales From The Blue Gonk Anthology)
Dine And Dash (More Tales From The Blue Gonk Anthology)
Excision (More Tales From The Blue Gonk Anthology)
Goddess of the Barrows (Bizarre Fantasy #1)
DigiZuli Voodoo (Bizarre Fantasy #5)
Zephyrs of the Interstitial (Deep Web Anthology)
Void Problems (Wicked Gardens Anthology)
Against Atlantis: (Ongoing in Clockwork Magazine)
Positions held:
Editor-In-Chief, Trestle Board (newsletter -- Oak Plains Masonic Lodge #789 -- since 2012)
Anthologies Edited:
Tales of the Undead - Undead In Pictures (Horrified Press)
Plague (Horrified Press)
Dark Fairy Tales Revisited (Horrified Press)
Author interview (Author Interview Corner)
Author interview (Nerine Dorman -- Para Kindred Contributor Interview)
Meat, Bone, Bösehoven (OMNI magazine)
A Delicious Soul (Nightmare Illustrated #4)
Picking Isometric Cotton (365 Tomorrows)
A Matter of Taste (Coming Together: Among The Stars Anthology)
On The Devil's Dole (Wordhaus)
History Repeating (Wordhaus)
The Assault of the Clockwork World (Clockwork Magazine)
Just A House (Dark Dreams #1 [new series])
Mellified Man (Nightmare Illustrated)
Secrets in the Soil (Fossil Lake II: The Refossiling)
Mass Grave (Deathmongers Anthology)
Seconds Full Of Years (Theme Of Absence Zine)
Astride Twin Seas (Theme of Absence Zine)
Survival Diet (Terra Furma Zine)
The Stray That Saw The Storm (The Black Cat [anthology])
Through The Land Of Shadow (Terror Train Anthology)
You Can Trust Bill (Schlock.co.uk)
[Untranslatable] (Sulfurings Anthology)
Holy Man (Thirteen O'Clock Press's MAN anthology)
Children of the Indigai (Silent Fray - Ghoul Saloon Anthology)
Bodie Junction (Silent Fray - Ghoul Saloon Anthology)
Ab Aeterno (No Sight For The Saved [Anthology]) - James Ward Kirk Press
Angry Bones (Neon and Blood [Anthology])
A Sound Like Rain (Neon and Blood [Anthology])
That Primal Fire (Neon and Blood [Anthology])
Tap, Tap, Tap (Neon and Blood [Anthology])
On The Devil's Dole (Neon and Blood [Anthology])
Bloody Yule Tide (It's My Party [Anthology])
Nine Hearts Will Have To Do (It's My Party [Anthology])
To Become Death, To Become Life (Mad Science Anthology) Barbed Wire Butterfly
Like Leaves (Boneyard Anthology) Barbed Wire Butterfly
Gliese 666 (Demonic Possession [Anthology]) - James Ward Kirk Press
The Ice Man (Thirteen O'Clock Press's ICE anthology)
RUN (Malevolent Mansion [Anthology])
Eyeless (Something in the Woods [Anthology])
The Interview (Steamworld Anthology)
Alarm (Silent Fray - Children of Armageddon Anthology)
No Heaven, No Hell (Phantasmic Anthology)
Let All Ears. . . (Toybox [Anthology])
Venus Magnus (13th Chime [invite only anthology])
As If Saying Goodbye (Coming Back Anthology)
The Hunger of Elder Thryxia (Barbed Wire Butterfly Anthology)
Spider Baron (Arachnophobia Anthology)
Redefining Reality (Twisted [Anthology])
Taste of Serenity (Silent Fray - Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors Anthology)
Sky Diamond (Silent Fray - Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors Anthology)
Only For Her (Silent Fray - Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors Anthology)
In Mirror-Glass Dreams (Silent Fray - Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors Anthology)
At The Boundary (Silent Fray - Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors Anthology)
Dark Reflections (Silent Fray - Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors Anthology)
Just A House (Silent Fray - Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors Anthology)
Within, Beyond (Silent Fray - Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors Anthology)
Teeth, Blood, Fangs (Silent Fray - Shapeshifters Anthology)
Fire (Silent Fray - Shapeshifters Anthology)
Skin of Eyes (Silent Fray - Shapeshifters Anthology)
The Night, My Domain (Silent Fray - Shapeshifters Anthology)
Orange (Biohazard Anthology)
Reading Lives (Thirteen O'Clock Press's "Tales From The Blue Gonk" anthology)
Dead of the Winter War (Thirteen O'Clock Press's "Tales From The Blue Gonk" anthology)
Recurrent (Thirteen O'Clock Press's "Tales From The Blue Gonk" anthology)
Tattooed Eyes, Tattooed Hands (Thirteen O'Clock Press's "Tales From The Blue Gonk" anthology)
The Door Was Locked For A Reason (Thirteen O'Clock Press's "Tales From The Blue Gonk" anthology)
Midnight Devourer (Night Walkers Anthology)
People of Earth (We Come In Peace [Anthology])
On The Streets of Christmas Town (One Hell Of A Christmas [Anthology])
The Mantis Effect (Ripple Effect [Charity Anthology])
And Her Name Will Be Salvation (Thirteen O'Clock Press's FIRE anthology)
Hunting The Hunters (Wildwood Anthology)
Frau Holle (Dark Fairy Tales II [Anthology])
Singular, Eternal (Changes [Anthology])
What Wonders The Wise May Find (Cursed Curiosities Anthology)
The Collection (MALICE Anthology)
City of Death, City of Night (Beyond The Cosmic Veil [Anthology]) Barbed Wire Butterfly
Orders in Orgone (Beyond The Cosmic Veil [Anthology]) Barbed Wire Butterfly
Into Quiet Chaos (Beyond The Cosmic Veil [Anthology]) Barbed Wire Butterfly
Pro Patria Mori (Thirteen O'Clock Press's WAR anthology)
The Hunters of The Burab Khai (Rogue Planet Press - Barbarians of the Red Planet [Anthology])
Forwun (
Polonium Baptism (Axes of Evil II)
The City (Garden Gnome Publications)
Sweet Wine (Loch Shock Anthology)
Abyss in Skin (Killer Tracks Anthology)
Ten of Swords (The Black Hand Supremacy)
All We Can See Is Nothing (The Devil's Armory)
Spores in the Solar Wind (Papa Bear Press's Creature Stew)
Feast of Flesh (Word Stew)
Cracked and Shattered (Word Stew)
Izanami's Children (Zombies in Japan Anthology)
Cybernetic Sestina (Red Sky Young Adult Sci-Fi Anthology)
Stalking Sky Pirates (Clockwork Kiru: Steampunk Haiku Anthology)
Positions held:
Editor-In-Chief, Trestle Board (newsletter -- Oak Plains Masonic Lodge #789 -- since 2012)
From Chaos To Light (California Freemason)
Confessions of a Freemason (Surreal Grotesque December)
Man-Suit (Schlock! Magazine)
Blackout City: Shooting Junior (Blackout City Podcast)
A Dog, A Plan, Interrupted (Ppigpenn)
Blackout City: Darkness And Light (Blackout City Podcast)
Prey (Surreal Grotesque)
Mirrors In Fog (Twelve [Anthology])
El Tio (Dark Dreams Podcast)
Mellified Man (Dark Dreams Podcast)
Wolf (Para Kindred Anthology)
L’thauun (Dark Dreams Podcast)
Stimulus (Dark Dreams Podcast)
The Ravening King (Surreal Grotesque November)
Positions held:
Editor-In-Chief, Trestle Board (newsletter -- Oak Plains Masonic Lodge #789)
Dreams (Surreal Grotesque)
The Dehara of Navisalam (Para Imminence [anthology])
Positions Held:
Associate Editor (Mixer Publishing)
Knowledge and a Sound (20 in 5 Magazine
Fatal Mistake (AlienSkin Magazine
Streetmodz (365 Tomorrows)
2007 and prior years
Positions Held:Technical Editor, Hot Psychology Magazine. (2005-2007)
Chief Editor for Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology Flight Campus Student Council Monthly Newsletter (2005 - 2006)
Notable Local Government Publications:
Chipper Project and Columbia Fuel Reduction Project flyer
Suburban Soldiers (10-25-07, Sacramento Bee)
Lost in the Machine (Neometropolis Magazine)
Of Minerva (See the Sun Magazine)
Listen (PowWow Paper)
Articles (Through Hot Psychology) (www.hot-psychology.com)
Violence: Real Vs. Virtual: Coincidence or Consequence?
Valentine’s day and the Internet: Too much of a good thing?
A New Look at Cyberpirates and Bootleg;
What Lurks in the reaches of the net
An Interview with Thibaut Hourtellian
The Better Way of Learning: A Look at Internet Classes
Cryogenics: Suspended Animation, Pulse Optional
Nanotechnology: Making Good Technology Smaller!
Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Moral Debate
Teleportation as a Form of Transportation: Scientific Possibility or Worthless Media Dream?
Chronotechnology: How Can We Make Time Work For Us?
Active Camouflage: Using Technology to "Blend In"
Rayguns: The Future is... in the Past?
Very Light Jets: The Latest and Greatest for Millions Less
Long Distance Relationships - How Technology Brings Distant Lovers Just A Little Closer
Crude Technology: Our Modern Oil Addiction
A Custom Humanity: What can genes do for you?
Computers, the Internet, and the English Language
Faster than Light Travel
Cybernetics: Are you ready to get 'borged?
Life on Other Planets: Part one of the Science Behind Settling the Stars
Terraforming: Part two of the Science Behind Settling the Stars
Home Sweet Dome: Paraterraforming (Part III)
Offworld and Orbitals: (Part IV)
Stellar Land Rights: (Part V)
The Future of Books
How Fragile Thou Art: (Archaeologists of the future)
The New Heroes: Technology's Active Role in Modern Mythology
Software review: WinJournal
Software review: Pzizz
Articles (Through The Opinion Magazine) (www.theopinionmagazine.com)
The Benefits of Large Business
Armed Flight: Why Concealed Carry is Beneficial to Air Safety
Laws and Assault Rifles: Should the Ban be Lifted?
Violence: Real Vs. Virtual: Coincidence or Consequence?
A Short Report on Economic Democracy
Domestic and International Policy in America
Film Review ~ Aliens Vs. Predator
Articles and Reviews (Through Associated Content) (www.associatedcontent.com)
Social Movements: Then and Now
Internet Classes: A Look at Online Education
Review: Battle Angel
Review: Cirque-style extravaganza!, Taganai
Review: The Kingdom of Loathing (2nd place of most emailed to others/week on 8-22-05)
Review: Hellsing
Review: Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse
Review: Dune (1984) (Rated #4 for top content for the week of 9-1-05)
Review: Ghost in the Shell 2, Innocence (Rated #1 for top content for the week of 8-30-05)
Review: Ghost in the Shell, Stand Alone Complex
Review: Jin Roh: Anime
Review: Zardoz (1974) (Rated #3 for top content for the week of 9-12-05)
Violence: Real Vs. Virtual: Coincidence or Consequence?
An Interview with Jim Idema
An interview with Thibaut Hourtellian
The Extremist's Guide to Getting Ahead in the College World
Free Games! (A review of Flash Games)
The Grotte De Chauvet (Pont D'arc)
An Analysis of Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira
Winjournal Software Review
Pzizz computer assisted hypnosis
What lurks on the Internet
The Future of Books
Archaeologists of the Future
Vatgrown (Neometropolis Magazine)
R-Series (AlienSkin Magazine
Mass-Mailed articles:
Straight But Not Narrow: Attacking Homophobia
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